Office of Teacher Certification

Approval of Upgrading Programs

In order for a degree program, diploma program, certificate program or integrated program to be recognized for teacher certification purposes, it must be approved by the Minister.

There are two levels of approval required.

Firstly, diploma programs and certificate programs developed by Nova Scotia universities as upgrading programs for teachers, must be submitted by the university to the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development for consideration.The Minister may approve a new upgrading program "in principle".

Once the program is approved in principle by the Minister, individual teachers are strongly encouraged to seek written approval for any program proposed to be undertaken to obtain a higher class of teacher’s certificate.


While the Office of Teacher Certification strongly encourages teachers to seek pre-approval  for all intended programs of study, it should be noted that mandatory pre-approval is required for certificate and integrated programs.

For purposes of approval, it should be noted that as of September 1, 2000, upgrading programs related to curriculum and instruction in academic disciplines shall include subject matter knowledge, methodology and evaluation practices appropriate to those disciplines.

As well, it has been agreed that teachers who undertake programs in relation to administration, curriculum and instruction, or staff development will, prior to enrollment, discuss assuming a leadership role within their individual regional centre for education/CSAP. These functions should be determined in a consultative manner between the individual and the individual’s supervisor and would reflect needs of the teacher, the school and the regional centre/CSAP.