Office of Teacher Certification

Regular Certificates

The Teacher Certification Regulations in Nova Scotia feature a number of classifications of teacher certification, with each classification requiring different academic and professional teacher education.


Certificate Classifications from the post-July 31, 2000 Teacher Certification System



Certificate Classifications from the pre-August 1, 2000 Teacher Certification System



Do I select a classification from the pre August 1, 2000 Teacher Certification System or the post July 31, 2000 Teacher Certification System?


For most applicants, this question is the most difficult question to answer. Listed above are the various classifications of teacher certification.

The answer to the question above is governed by the provisions of the following regulations:


Please click on each of the above to familiarize yourself with the specifics of each regulation. In general, these provisions provide as follows:


Date of Commencement of Undergraduate Studies Component and Date of Closure of Seven Year Window


Commencement         Closure

September 1, 1993     August 31, 2000

September 1, 1994     August 31, 2001

September 1, 1995     August 31, 2002

September 1, 1996     August 31, 2003

September 1, 1997     August 31, 2004

September 1, 1998     August 31, 2005

September 1, 1999     August 31, 2006



  1. A person who, before August 1, 2000, held a teacher’s certificate granted by the teacher certification authorities in a jurisdiction outside of Nova Scotia, may be assessed and granted teacher certification in accordance with the regulations and standards in effect in Nova Scotia, as of July 31, 2000 (See Section 33(2a) ).
  2. Pursuant to the above, the common entry level certificate is a Teacher’s Certificate Class 5 (TC5) (See Section 28). In that regard, an approved Bachelor’s degree must be from a recognized university and one-half of the credit hours completed for the degree must be in a subject(s) taught in the Nova Scotia public schools. An approved program of teacher education must include a minimum of 30 credit hours of professional study including practicum or internship from a recognized university, and result in teacher certification in the jurisdiction where it was completed.
  3. Under transition provisions contained within the regulations [Section 50 (1a)], students commencing university between September 1, 1993 and August 31, 2000 have 7 years from the date of commencement of university study within which to complete all requirements for certification under the regulations and standards in effect in Nova Scotia as of July 31, 2000.
  4. In general, a person who, after August 1, 2000 held a valid teacher’s certificate granted by the teacher certification authorities in a jurisdiction outside of Nova Scotia or commenced their undergraduate education after August 1, 2000, or did not complete all requirements for certification within the seven year window described above, must satisfy the requirements for an Initial Teacher’s Certificate (ITC) (Section 37) of the post July 31, 2000 Teacher Certification System which requires a minimum of 5 years of undergraduate education including:
    • a minimum of 90 credit hours of approved undergraduate studies;
    • a minimum of 60 credit hours of an approved program of professional studies including a practicum of at least 15 weeks.
  5. With respect to the undergraduate studies requirements for an Initial Teacher’s Certificate referenced above, there are different content requirements depending on whether the applicant has completed an elementary or secondary pre-service teacher education program. In that regard, please refer to the document — Standards - Undergraduate Studies Requirements February 10, 2006.


With regards to 60 credit hours of an approved program of professional studies, please refer to the document “Approved Program of Professional Studies”.