Office of Teacher Certification

How to Get Teaching Service Assessed for Recognition

Teachers seeking recognition of teaching service accrued in jurisdictions other than Nova Scotia must provide letters from their former employer (school board, school district, local education authority or school) attesting to completion of service. The letter must be sent directly from the employer to the Office of Teacher Certification ( The following information must be included in each letter:

  • Letter must be formal and produced on institutional/organizational letterhead (with contact details)
  • Letter must be signed by an appropriate authority (ie. human resources director)
  • Each academic year of service must be indicated
  • The number of possible teaching days in the academic year must be indicated as well as the actual number of days a teacher taught. (ie. 185 teaching days in the academic year and the teacher taught 182 days)
  • The capacity in which the teacher was employed. (ie. classroom teacher, vice-principal, guidance counsellor etc.)
  • If the school in which service was accrued is not a public school, proof of provincial accreditation is required.

Please contact the Office of Teacher Certification if further clarification is required.