Office of Teacher Certification

Certificate Types Issued by the Office of Teacher Certification

The Teacher Certification Regulations in Nova Scotia provide for three types of certificates:

  • a Regular Teacher Certificate is the type of certificate awarded to a graduate of a pre-service teacher education program designed to prepare the participant as a classroom teacher;
  • a Vocational Teacher Certificate is awarded to an applicant who has completed occupational training and work experience in a skilled trade (for example carpentry, electrical, auto mechanics, etc.), holds journeyperson status in that trade, and has completed an approved pre-service teacher education program.
  • a Special Certificate is the type of certificate awarded to an applicant who is not trained as a teacher but who has been trained and registered as a: School Psychologist (must be a member of the Nova Scotia Board of Examiners in Psychology); a Speech Language Pathologist (must be a member of the Nova Scotia College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists*); or a Social Worker (must be a member of the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers).


    *Please note that those Speech-Language Pathologists working for a Regional Centre for Education or the conseil scholaire acadien provincial prior to November 2019 must also provide a Letter of Membership Standing from Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC).